Category: Sets

Sets for The Bible from A to Z.

November 9, 2020

Parables & Miracles

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” – John 3:16. That pretty well sums it up. Jesus told these words to Nicodemus when Nicodemus came to Him searching for the Truth. If we ever need a reminder of what is Truth, we can start at this verse […]

November 1, 2020

One Special Baby

“Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know.” These words come from the hymn “He Keeps Me Singing” written by Luther B. Bridgers and originally published in March of 1910. Do you ever feel like this is the only word you mutter – the name of One Special Baby born in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago. Oh, but what power there is in that Name! The […]

October 25, 2020

New Temple, New Walls, & a reNewed Covenant

My family recently read the Bible through in chronological order in a year for our family devotion time using a YouVersion plan. It’s truly eye opening to read the prophets as they appear in history rather than when they come in the Bible. Their visions and warnings really add to The Story and help you follow the story line more closely. Something happened though when […]

October 19, 2020

Make Yourself at Home

God’s people failed at keeping their part of the Covenant. He warned them over and over, but they bombed it. No hope for success. Over and done. Now they suffered the consequences – 70 years in exile, 70 years in a foreign land, 70 years outside of the Promised Land, the Land where God dwelt with them. Ezekiel saw God’s presence leave the temple and […]

October 11, 2020

Listen to These Warnings: Repent or Lament

What do you know about the prophets in the Bible? Let’s see if this covers it? Elijah “fought” the bad guys and called down fire on them, Elisha followed in his footsteps, Isaiah saw the throne of God, and Jeremiah had a tough job going to his people with the truth they did not want to hear. Does that about cover the major prophets? (Other […]

October 4, 2020

Kings & the Kingdom Split

Do you know the consequences of not following God? Check out what happened when the kings of Israel failed to follow God’s commands @ The Bible from A to Z – Set K. Saul did not carry out the command of Deuteronomy 25:17-19 concerning the Amalekite’s. As a result, he lost the kingdom. King David, the greatest king of Israel, had terrible trouble in his […]

September 27, 2020

Judges, Prophets, & Kings

They did not tell the coming generations about the Lord – Judges 2:10. The results are devastating…. Although the book of Judges includes the accounts of many of the most well-known heroes of the Old Testament – Deborah and Barak, Gideon, Samson – the book actually documents Israel’s decent into sin that rivals and even surpasses the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah – cities synonymous […]

September 20, 2020

Into the Promised Land

Just like He promised, God brought His people into the Land He promised to give them and gave it to them. He does the same for us – He always keeps His promises. The people kept their promise to worship Him alone too…..until. Until the leaders who had experienced God first-hand all died… Until they no longer had the influence of someone who “knew” God… […]

September 14, 2020

Hot & Dusty 40 Years

What is the first thing you think about when someone says, “Turn to the book of Numbers in your Bible”? Before I finished the Set for this week, all I ever really thought about was a bunch of numbers and the story of the 12 spies. I have missed so much in the details of those 40 years God trained His people in the desert. […]

September 7, 2020

God Set His People Apart

My cousin recently told his mom now that he had his own children he realizes all the things he probably missed out on when he was a child because he would not trust and obey the adults around him. I often wonder how much I have missed out on because I did not trust and obey the Lord. God gives us a perfect example in […]