Month: November 2020

November 29, 2020

Unexpected Recipients

The Jews did not expect what happened next. God had to tell Peter three times before He understood. The Gospel is for all people – Jew and Gentile (or non-Jewish). According to Acts 11:18, when the followers of Jesus realized the Gospel was for the Gentiles too, they fell silent and then glorified God! Praise God Jesus died for you and me! I want to […]

November 29, 2020

Tongues of Fire

The Holy Spirit came upon the followers of Jesus just like He said. The best way they could describe it was as “tongues of fire” and a “mighty rushing wind”. The Holy Spirit came while the Jews were celebrating Pentecost to remember the giving of the Law. Now it is the giving of the Holy Spirit to guide us. The Holy Spirit came with fire […]

November 29, 2020

Sent to Share

We are sent to share the Good News, the Gospel, The Way. We are called to make disciples of Jesus. It’s not an option. That’s really all there is to say…. The only question is are you sharing the news ever and making disciples. It’s not just a missionary thing. We make disciples – or encourage others to follow someone or something – every day. […]

November 22, 2020

Resurrection Law & Prophets Fulfilled

Can you imagine what was going on in the angels mind as he waited to announce “He is alive!” at the empty tomb that Sunday morning about 2000 years ago! I image he could barely contain his excitement. If the angels had filled they sky and sang at Jesus’s birth, how do you think they celebrated at His resurrection to eternal life earlier that morning?!! […]

November 15, 2020

Questioned and Crucified

Do you ever wonder how they missed it? How in the world did the Jews miss seeing Jesus as the Messiah? How on earth did they kill their Savior? In hind sight, we can see all the fulfilled prophesies. The day Jesus was crucified fulfilled almost 30 prophesies. We can see how the crucifixion story fits seamlessly into the story line of the Bible, the […]

November 9, 2020

Parables & Miracles

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” – John 3:16. That pretty well sums it up. Jesus told these words to Nicodemus when Nicodemus came to Him searching for the Truth. If we ever need a reminder of what is Truth, we can start at this verse […]

November 1, 2020

One Special Baby

“Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know.” These words come from the hymn “He Keeps Me Singing” written by Luther B. Bridgers and originally published in March of 1910. Do you ever feel like this is the only word you mutter – the name of One Special Baby born in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago. Oh, but what power there is in that Name! The […]