August 17, 2020

Daddy’s Boys

By dlmorris

Things don’t always go as planned. I could stop right here, and anyone reading knows exactly what I mean and probably either laughs or cries as they think about their latest encounter with the truth of this comment.

In fact, a quick Google search came up with seven Bible verses about the “plans of men”, and they all basically say man’s plans fail…every single time.

Don’t stop there though. If thwarted plans leave you downhearted or discouraged, just keep reading. Those verses also say God’s plan will prevails…every single time!

The account of Jacob provides a good example of this truth. Read all about it @

God said before Jacob was even born he would rule over his older brother. His older brother was their father’s favorite son – a true daddy’s boy. Nevertheless, Jacob was a true mama’s boy, and she and Jacob tried to secure the blessings of the eldest through trickery and ended up suffering the consequences.

Jacob ended up at his uncle’s, found a pretty girl, and planed to marry her. Instead, he had to marry her older sister before he married his sweetheart. The older sister though gave him a son named Judah, one of Jesus’s ancestors.

Also, consider the plans of Jacob’s sons to kill their younger brother. In stead he ends up a slave a Egypt and eventually in position to save his whole family!

God’s plan always works out for His glory and our benefit in the long run. His plan is not always easy or fun, but it is always best.

Follow The Bible from A to Z as we continue to follow God’s plan of redemption for mankind – from A to Z.