August 3, 2020

Bad Attitudes, a Big Boat, and Babbling Builders

By dlmorris

As you reach for the doorknob to walk into your house, you suddenly stop when you notice footprints below an open widow. Does the hair rise on the back of your neck because you realize an intruder may be in your house, or do you laugh out loud and head inside to find out who got locked out and had to crawl through the window…again?

Two completely different conclusions from the same evidence. It probably does not surprise you this happens often. It has probably happened to you at some point – you said one thing and someone heard something totally different. Or something you did was repeated in such a way that did not support what you were actually doing.

What you may not have thought about is how this applies to the earth and people.

Fossils, canyons, petrified forests, – evidence for millions of years or a global flood about 4000 years ago? Different languages – evidence for evolution or the Tower of Babel?

I hope the “Did You Know” section of Bad Attitudes, a Big Boat, and Babbling Builders found at encourages your faith as you contemplate the truth of each of item. We have the same evidence as everyone else. Your belief in the Truth of God’s Word will determine the conclusions you draw from that evidence.

I pray this website and blog encourages you and helps strengthen your faith as we journey together and really dig into The Bible from A to Z.