December 31, 2020

11 pm – Praying for Your Future

By dlmorris

Share & Discuss: Truths from the New Testament found in the following set:
You Have Hope

Reflect: Testimonies of God’s grace and God’s work in your life, especially over the last year

Sing: 10,000 Reasons, Psalms 103

Praise: Thank God we have Hope as we toil in the “already but not yet”. Praise Him Christians know what our futures hold because we know who holds our future. Praise God for what He has in store for 2021!

Prayer: Pray for God’s guidance in your life over the coming year. Pray you will love Him more and desire to spend more time with Him. Pray He will help you be more intentional about sharing Christ and making disciples.

Commit: Pray a prayer of commitment to what God is calling you to this year. Pray for wisdom, boldness, and perseverance to carry it through.

* You can find all the information for this evening of prayer @ website. Click on “Share” then scroll down to “1 Evening of Prayer”.